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  • Writer's picturebee buttercup


Been working on the funny pizzahead insanity. I finished coloring the second part...or I THOUGHT SO, apparently Krita did not actually save my progress so I have to recolor all of it again....

heres a bit of sneak peak though so oh well!

COMIC In other news Im also workin on a comic series, I've worked on it for quite a while. Been doodlin some comic stuffs at school and im really excited to show it!

DOOR TO DOOR Last bit of news, an animated short! I wanted to try out how to make music so i'm tryna animate something to the music. I'll probably change the music, but this is the kinda vibe I want the new music to have.

Thats all I have, been quite busy since lots of things happened in this month. Still gonna strive to do my best and create what I can so for now...see ya at the next update ( uvu )/

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